Frequently Asked Questions

There are three key types of meetings that play a crucial role in assisting the Owners Corporation and Strata Committee in the management of your property. These meetings are:

The Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.)

The Annual General Meeting is exactly as it sounds – it occurs once a year, typically around the same time. Its primary purpose is to address various statutory and administrative matters vital to the ongoing management of your property, including:

  • Electing members for the strata committee.
  • Reviewing and approving the annual financial statement.
  • Reviewing and approving strata insurance policies.
  • Establishing a budget and determining strata levies for the upcoming 12 months.
  • Approving the annual fire safety statement (if applicable to your property).

General Meetings

General meetings are called when the need arises throughout the year, often to address important matters like approving major maintenance projects or imposing special levies. These meetings can be initiated by the Strata Committee, the appointed Secretary, or upon a written request from owners whose combined Unit of Entitlement represents more than 25% of the total ownership in your property.

Strata Committee Meetings

Strata committee meetings are convened by your strata committee to handle day-to-day administrative issues that impact property owners and the property itself. These issues may include:

  • Reviewing financial reports and expenses.
  • Reviewing quotations and granting approval for common property maintenance projects.
  • Approving requests in line with strata by-laws, such as pet permissions.
  • Managing by-law complaints.
  • Authorizing minor renovations within individual lots.

Strata legislation does not specify a particular schedule for Strata Committee meetings, so they are typically arranged as needed.

We hope this clarifies when and why these meetings occur. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Understanding the responsibility for maintenance in a strata complex can sometimes be a bit perplexing. This complexity arises from the uniqueness of each building and depends on various factors such as:

  • The age of your building.
  • The way your strata plan has been designed.
  • Any special rules or by-laws established by your Owners Corporation regarding maintenance obligations.
  • Whether you or a previous owner of your lot have made changes to your property that create maintenance obligations, like removing floor tiles in the bathroom.


In general terms, maintenance responsibilities can be divided as follows:

  1. Lot Owner's Responsibility: The elements of your property that exist within the cubic airspace or boundaries of your lot, such as internal walls and doors, are typically the lot owner's responsibility for maintenance.
  2. Owners Corporation's Responsibility: The elements that are situated on the boundaries of your lot, such as perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, and items outside your lot, like common stairwells and garden areas, are typically the responsibility of the Owners Corporation for repair and maintenance.

To determine whether a specific item falls under the lot owner or Owners Corporation's maintenance responsibility, it's essential to consider the following:

  • A thorough examination of the strata plan.
  • The registration date of your strata plan.
  • A review of the strata by-laws to identify any specific maintenance obligations determined by your Owners Corporation.

Please note that different rules may apply to schemes registered before 1 July 1974. 

If you need further clarification or have specific questions about maintenance responsibilities in your complex, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

The role of a Strata Manager depends on the extent of authority delegated to them by the Owners Corporation. According to Section 52(1) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, an Owners Corporation can delegate to a Strata Manager:

(a) all of its functions,

(b) specific functions as specified in the delegation instrument, or

(c) all of its functions except those specified in the delegation instrument.

At Iconic Property Care, we assume full delegated authority when managing your scheme. This means we can offer you and the property owners comprehensive management services for your scheme.

By taking on the responsibilities typically carried out by owners or Strata Committee members, such as the duties of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairperson, we ensure that your scheme is managed and administered in full compliance with its legal obligations. This way, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands, and you won't be burdened with these statutory duties.

If you have any further questions or need more information about the role of a Strata Manager, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. As experts in management, we provide custom solutions to suit your needs.

In straightforward terms, Strata Building Insurance is designed to safeguard the Owners Corporation (Body Corporate) against damage to the building resulting from accidental or malicious acts. This insurance typically covers events such as:

  • Fire/arson
  • Storm/tempest
  • Vandalism
  • Vehicular impact
  • Glass breakage
  • Burst pipes
  • Lightning strikes
  • Burglary & theft
  • Earthquakes

It's essential to understand that Strata Building Insurance does not extend to routine maintenance items or building defects, such as repairing shower trays, addressing settlement or movement cracks in walls and ceilings, or handling more significant maintenance issues like concrete damage or foundation subsidence. To put it in perspective, think of your car insurance – you can insure your vehicle against accidents, but you can't insure it against general wear and tear. The same principle applies to Strata Building Insurance.

How Are Lot Owners Protected?

Each Owners Corporation has a legal obligation to insure "the building" against accidental or malicious damage (as stated in Section 160(1) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015).

In a strata scheme, the lot space (e.g., your apartment, factory, villa, or townhouse) is commonly defined as:

"A cubic space within the boundary walls, beneath the ceiling, and above the floor."

According to this, Lot owners are responsible for repairing, replacing, and maintaining all building components on their lot, including:

  • Internal walls
  • Shower screens
  • Internal doors
  • Built-in wardrobes
  • Toilets, baths & basins
  • Kitchen sinks, cabinets & benchtops
  • Appliances such as wall and bench ovens, cooktops, range hoods, hot water heaters and bathroom & laundry exhaust fans

For example, if there's a leaking tap washer in your kitchen or a leak through a shower screen, it's the lot owner's responsibility to repair and maintain. However, many building components within the lot are protected by the mandatory Building Insurance taken out by the Owners Corporation. In simple terms, these items are the lot owner's responsibility for repair, replacement, and maintenance, but they are covered by Strata Building Insurance if damaged by an insurable event.

Is My Contents Covered?

Strata Building Insurance does not cover the contents or fittings of your lot, and they are specifically excluded in the policy. This includes items like:

  • Carpets & underlay
  • Light fittings
  • Floating floorboards
  • Paintwork on walls & ceilings
  • Wallpaper
  • Curtains and blinds
  • Wall tiles on internal walls
  • Furnishing or personal contents
  • Electrical items not hard-wired into the building e.g. clothes dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, TV, etc.

Owner-occupiers have the option to extend their contents insurance to cover items not included in Strata Building Insurance. Most major insurers in NSW understand the distinction between strata building insurance and contents insurance for strata properties and are willing to provide this extended coverage.

Non-resident or owner investors may consider obtaining "Landlords Insurance" with sufficient coverage to protect the fittings within their lot. However, all owners should verify with their insurer or insurance broker to ensure that their contents are adequately protected by their contents policy. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on insurance matters, please feel free to reach out.

Your Owners Corporation is obligated to effect several compulsory insurance policies to protect the interests of all lot owners, residents, and other stakeholders who service your Owners Corporation. There are also several optional insurances that your Owners Corporation may choose to implement to further protect the interests of owners.

Your Owners Corporation's Insurance Broker plays an important role in the renewal cycle and ongoing insurance management for your scheme. Their services include:

  1. Supplying insurers with the relevant information and disclosures regarding your scheme.
  2. Obtaining quotations from specialist strata insurers.
  3. Negotiating premiums and other policy benefits for your Owners Corporation.
  4. Providing advice to your Owners Corporation on the best policy options for your scheme.
  5. Processing insurance claims on behalf of your Owners Corporation.

Your insurance broker, acting in the best interests of Iconic Property Care, ensures that your Owners Corporation receives the most comprehensive and competitive coverage available in the market.

If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on insurance matters, please feel free to reach out.

Living in a strata community offers numerous benefits, but it also presents challenges, particularly because residents have varying standards and tolerances for daily inconveniences like noise, parking issues, balcony use, and common areas. At times, not all by-laws are adhered to, which can range from minor issues with no significant impact to disruptions causing inconvenience or loss of amenity for other residents and additional expenses for the Owners Corporation.

Especially with the changes brought about by COVID-19 and more people working from home post-pandemic, residents now spend more time in close proximity, increasing the potential for conflicts and complaints. Before raising a by-law complaint, consider these five essential points:

  1. Attempt Amicable Resolution: Many problems can be resolved quickly by having a friendly conversation with your neighbor or leaving a polite note explaining your concerns and desired outcomes. For example, if a neighbor's dog is barking when they are away, they may not even be aware of the issue. The key is to approach the matter with politeness. By starting with a courteous discussion, you aim for a resolution rather than escalating the issue into a prolonged neighborhood dispute.
  2. Assess the Impact: Determine whether your complaint solely affects your lot. In many instances, Owners Corporations or Strata Committees are asked to intervene in disputes that only involve two residents in the scheme. In such cases, Section 146 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 mandates that a resolution by the Owners Corporation or Strata Committee must precede issuing a Notice to Comply with a By-law. This requirement can lead to delays, making it advisable for residents to initiate their own mediation with NSW Fair Trading to expedite the resolution.
  3. Gather Evidence: Having evidence of a by-law breach is crucial. Complaints without substantiating evidence can be easily refuted. Dated photographs of the breach (e.g., parking on common property or drying laundry on balconies) can serve as irrefutable proof that a by-law breach is occurring. For noise complaints, maintain a log noting the date, time, and a brief explanation of the breach. It's important to remember that everyday activities like vacuuming or using washing machines typically do not constitute by-law breaches. "One-off" breaches, such as hanging Christmas lights or New Year's Eve noise, are generally not supported by the Tribunal.
  4. Be Prepared for Mediation or Tribunal: Despite efforts to resolve disputes, by-law breaches may persist, requiring the Owners Corporation or Strata Committee to take action through mediation or the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). If the dispute escalates to this level, parties involved may need to attend mediation or appear as witnesses at a Tribunal Hearing. This might involve being cross-examined regarding the evidence. While this can be daunting, having the appropriate evidence and prepared testimony is crucial to proving a by-law breach.

Remember that addressing by-law breaches should aim for a harmonious resolution that benefits all residents while maintaining a sense of community in your strata scheme. If you encounter difficulties or require guidance in this process, you can always seek assistance from your managing agent or strata committee.

In most cases, you can connect Pay TV to your property, with Foxtel being the primary mainstream Pay TV service provider for Strata Schemes. Optus Vision no longer offers their service to multi-dwelling complexes.

To connect Foxtel, you will need permission from the Owners Corporation before proceeding with the installation.

The type of connection may vary depending on your property type and location. Cable connections are typically straightforward and may involve minimal expenses. However, for satellite subscriptions, consider the following:

Connection to Townhouses and Villas:

  • Individual Connection: Foxtel contractors can set up either an individual connection for each townhouse or villa, or a group installation for the entire complex, depending on owners' preferences. An individual connection is cost-effective for subscribers, but it may result in multiple satellite dishes on the roofs of each property. Group connections involve a common dish or multiple dishes installed throughout the complex, with the Owners Corporation funding the installation. This approach requires Owners Corporation approval through a Special Resolution and may involve a Special Levy for funding.

Connection to Units:

  • Foxtel usually offers group connections to unit complexes. If your building has 12 units or fewer and is less than three stories high, Foxtel will usually cable the building and provide a satellite dish at no cost. Approval for this connection type is still necessary through the Owners Corporation via a general meeting.
  • For buildings with more than 12 units or exceeding three stories, Foxtel will charge the Owners Corporation for the infrastructure and satellite dish installation. Approval for this connection requires a Special Resolution during an Owners Corporation meeting, with at least 75% of owners voting in favor. This process often involves raising a Special Levy to cover the costs, which can vary widely based on the complexity of the installation, typically ranging from $200 to $500 per unit.

Yes, as an owner, you have the right to access the books and records of the Owners Corporation. Many strata management companies, including Iconic Property Care, offer online portals that provide easy access to various records and documents related to your strata scheme. These records typically include:

  • Minutes of meetings
  • Insurance information
  • Financial records for your scheme or lot
  • Building defect reports
  • Inspection reports
  • Strata plan
  • Maintenance reports
  • By-laws

Accessing these records through the online portal can provide a convenient and efficient way to stay informed about your strata scheme. You can also request a more comprehensive investigation of the books and records through a "Strata Search," as allowed by Section 182 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015. This search involves a written request and a prescribed fee, typically conducted by a qualified inspector.

If you have further questions or need assistance with accessing the records, you can contact your strata management company or refer to the relevant resources provided by them.

To request a new key, swipe tag, or remote for your lot, you can follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Access Device Application Form: Start by filling out the Access Device Application form. This form is typically provided by your strata management company or Owners Corporation.
  2. Processing Your Application: Once you've submitted the application form, it will be processed in accordance with the By-laws and any security regulations specific to your strata scheme.
  3. Permission for Tenants: If you are a tenant, please note that you will need to obtain permission from your landlord or property manager before acquiring an additional swipe tag, key, or remote.

By following this process, you can ensure that your request for a new access device is handled properly and in compliance with the rules and regulations of your strata scheme.

Financial reports in strata schemes are produced on a regular basis, as required by various regulations and acts. Here's how often financial reports are typically produced:

  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 mandates that financial reports, including the last financial statements, must be provided to all owners along with the notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is typically held once a year, and the financial statements are a crucial part of this meeting.
  2. Biannual Reports: The Property and Stock Agents Act 2002 obligates Strata Managing Agents to provide financial reports to the Owners Corporation every six months. These reports cover the financial status of the Owners Corporation, including details of income, expenditure, and the financial position.
  3. Real-Time Access: Many strata management companies like Iconic Property Care offer owners access to real-time financial reports through online owner portals. These portals allow owners to view current financial information, including balance sheets, income and expenditure statements, expenditure details, levy positions, and owner ledgers.

By having access to these financial reports, owners can stay informed about the financial health of the strata scheme and make decisions accordingly. These reports are essential for transparency and accountability in strata management.

A Building Management Committee (BMC) serves as an essential administrative body established to oversee and manage strata developments with shared facilities across different strata schemes. This commonly occurs in mixed-use developments that encompass various types of strata schemes, such as residential, retail, and commercial schemes.

Shared facilities typically encompass elements like building insurance, lifts, escalators, fire safety systems, and garage basement areas. The BMC is composed of representatives from each strata scheme involved and takes on the responsibility of managing and administering these shared facilities.

A Strata Management Statement (SMS) is typically registered with the development to outline how the BMC should be managed. This statement also provides a detailed breakdown of the shared facilities and specifies the percentage of contributions that each strata scheme or stratum lot owner is required to make to cover the expenses associated with maintaining and operating these shared facilities. The BMC plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of such mixed-use strata developments.

Nobody enjoys paying bills, but it's important to view your levy contributions as more than just an unwelcome expense. These payments play a crucial role in ensuring that your strata or community title property is well-maintained and adequately funded to meet its legal obligations.

Having a strong financial foundation enables a proactive approach to property management, allowing issues to be addressed as they arise, rather than when finances permit. This not only helps preserve the value of your asset but can also lead to an increase in value over time.

Additionally, well-maintained properties are more attractive to potential buyers and renters, resulting in easier sales, higher rental returns, and ultimately higher property values.

So, what exactly do your levy contributions cover?

Your levies are allocated to cover both day-to-day operational expenses and long-term maintenance costs for your strata or community scheme property. 

They are divided into two distinct funds: the Administration Fund for current operating costs and the Capital Works Fund for significant, long-term maintenance expenses.

Administration Fund

The administration fund is designed to finance the ongoing operational expenses of your shared property. This includes costs related to:

  • Insurance
  • Common area electricity
  • Common water consumption
  • General maintenance
  • Annual fire certification
  • Audit and valuation expenses
  • Gardening and lawn maintenance
  • Cleaning of common areas
  • Management and administration fees
  • Taxation and statutory expenses

The specific administration costs may vary depending on the facilities and amenities within your property, such as caretaking services, automatic garage doors, elevators, air-conditioning systems, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and shared hot water systems.

Capital Works Fund

The Capital Works Fund is designated for the long-term maintenance and upkeep of the property's buildings and improvements. This fund covers expenses like replacing common area carpet, repainting common areas, replacing building components, and refurbishing the building as needed. Accumulating funds in this account over time ensures that your scheme has sufficient reserves to address these significant maintenance items as they arise.

How and When Are Levies Determined?

The amount you contribute as levies is reviewed annually by the property owners during the Annual General Meeting. You, along with the other owners in your scheme, determine the levy amounts. This determination is usually based on the budget estimates presented in the meeting notice. It's essential to carefully review and understand these estimates before each meeting so that you are fully informed about how your levy payments will be allocated within your property. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out.

The Strata Committee within each Owners Corporation holds a vital role in managing their scheme. As a result of their voluntary service, committee members are generally not paid or rewarded, although they put in significant hours.

The Strata Committee is elected during the Annual General Meeting of the Owners Corporation and can comprise anywhere from 1 to 9 members. In the case of larger strata schemes (those with more than 100 lots), the committee must include a minimum of 3 members. For strata schemes with only 2 lots, both lot owners are automatically members of the committee.

Recognizing and adhering to the strict legal requirements set forth by the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and Regulations 2016 (the Act), as well as the Owners Corporation itself, Strata By-laws, and other applicable laws, is of utmost importance. This is especially crucial for owners who may not have prior experience serving on a committee or who may not be familiar with the functioning of an Owners Corporation.

Should you have any questions or need further details about the role and responsibilities of the Strata Committee, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you understand and navigate these aspects effectively.

Building managers play a vital role in the operation of many strata schemes. Their role is distinct from that of a strata manager in terms of legislative responsibilities. Building managers take a more hands-on, practical approach, primarily focused on organizing and overseeing various works within the property.

Building managers are typically appointed in larger or more complex strata schemes and often work in collaboration with the strata manager and strata committee. They operate under a building management contract that outlines their specific duties for the scheme.

The appointment of a building manager can vary depending on the size of the strata scheme, and they may work on a part-time or full-time basis. In some cases, they may also handle after-hours emergency work.

Building managers usually provide regular reports that detail maintenance work, improvements, or actions taken during a specific reporting period.

To facilitate communication and management tasks, building managers often use specialized software programs. These programs enable residents, owners, and managing agents to report maintenance issues, request additional access devices (such as keys or remotes), coordinate moves in and out of the building (including reserving loading docks, if applicable), and engage with building management on various matters.

When distinguishing between the roles of Strata Managers and Building Managers, it's helpful to remember:

  • Strata Managers handle administrative tasks and records.
  • Building Managers oversee the physical aspects of the property, including maintenance and operations.

In addition to Strata Building Insurance, Owners Corporations may need to consider other types of insurance coverage to provide protection and cover for various situations. Here's a comprehensive list of these additional insurance options:


  1. Appeal Expenses: This coverage deals with expenses incurred by the insured when appealing against an improvement or prohibition notice issued under workplace, occupational health and safety, or similar legislation.
  2. Catastrophe Insurance: This provides coverage for the unexpected increase in the replacement cost of insured property following a loss due to events categorized as catastrophes.
  3. Common Contents Insurance: Covers damage to building and common area contents within the insured property that occurs during the policy period.
  4. Electronics Insurance: Protects against accidental breakdown of electronic equipment located on the insured property.
  5. Fidelity Guarantee Insurance: Covers the fraudulent misappropriation of funds during the policy period.
  6. Floating Floors Insurance: This covers the cost of repair or replacement of floating floors within a lot following an insured event.
  7. Flood Insurance: Covers damage to the insured property caused by flood, as defined by the Insurance Council of Australia.
  8. Government Audit Costs Insurance: Provides coverage for professional fees incurred by the insured in connection with a record-keeping audit by a government authority.
  9. Legal Defense Expenses Insurance: Covers legal expenses incurred by the insured in defending actions arising in connection with their business affairs.
  10. Loss of Market Value Insurance: This covers the difference between the market value of lots immediately before and after a loss/damage event if permission to rebuild is limited or restricted under an order or regulation.
  11. Loss of Rent/Temporary Accommodation Insurance: Provides rental equivalent for premises in the event a lot is rendered uninhabitable following an insured event.
  12. Lot Owners Fixtures & Improvements Insurance: Covers the cost of replacing lot owners' fixtures and improvements within their lot when the building sum insured amount is exhausted.
  13. Lot Owners Wall Coverings Insurance: Covers paint and wallpaper (wall coverings) within a lot following an insured event.
  14. Machinery Breakdown Insurance: Covers the repair or replacement of various machinery, lifts, elevators, and more, subject to a current comprehensive maintenance agreement.
  15. Office Bearers Liability Insurance: Provides coverage for claims made against an Office Bearer in respect of legal liability.
  16. Pollution Defense Costs Insurance: Provides cover for defending criminal or regulatory proceedings related to pollution.
  17. Terrorism Insurance: Covers damage to the insured property resulting from a declared terrorist attack.
  18. Public Liability (Compulsory) Insurance: Provides indemnity for personal injury or property damage claims resulting from occurrences related to the ownership of common areas and insured property.
  19. Voluntary Workers (Compulsory) Insurance: Offers benefits to voluntary workers injured while engaged in work on behalf of the Owners Corporation.
  20. Workers Compensation (Compulsory, if engaging employees) Insurance: Covers amounts legally liable to pay to employees under workers' compensation legislation.

Please note that the need for these additional insurances may vary based on the specific circumstances and requirements of the Owners Corporation. It's essential to carefully assess and determine the relevant insurance coverages based on the property and the associated risks. If you have any questions or need further guidance on insurance matters, please don't hesitate to reach out.

The question of keeping animals in strata schemes is a subject that has seen changes in the laws and regulations in recent years, making it a rather complex and sensitive issue.

In 1996, the Strata Act provided owners with three options regarding the keeping of animals under the Strata By-laws:

  1. An owner could keep an animal only after obtaining permission from the Owners Corporation.
  2. Certain animals like cats, dogs, birds, or fish could be kept under specific terms and conditions, while permission was needed from the Owners Corporation for other types of animals.
  3. Some strata schemes adopted a by-law that prohibited keeping any animals.

Section 137B of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 was introduced in 2021, which established that no by-law could unreasonably prohibit the keeping of an animal on a lot. While this legal change was made to facilitate keeping pets within strata schemes, some Owners Corporations may still retain original 'Keeping of Animals' By-laws that seek to restrict or prohibit pet ownership.

In October 2020, the NSW Court of Appeal made a significant decision in the case of Cooper v The Owners – Strata Plan No. 58068 [2020] NSWCA 250. This decision determined that a by-law seeking to prohibit the keeping of animals was deemed harsh, unconscionable, and oppressive.

While the legislative and legal landscape has become more favorable towards residents keeping animals in strata schemes, it is advisable to consult with your managing agent or strata committee before bringing an animal into your lot. This consultation is especially crucial when considering the size and type of animal you intend to keep, as not all pets may be suitable for strata living, and your choice of pet might still potentially breach Strata By-laws.

If you are a tenant seeking permission to keep an animal within your lot, you will also need to obtain consent from your landlord.

In most cases, the answer is yes – you will need to obtain permission from the Owners Corporation or Strata Committee before making any alterations or additions to your Lot. This requirement applies to various modifications, such as installing an air conditioner, skylight, blind, pergola, or awning.

For more extensive renovations like upgrading a kitchen or bathroom or replacing floorboards, you may require permission, especially if the renovation involves altering waterproofing membranes or structural elements of the building.

The type of permission necessary depends on the size and nature of the alteration. If it's a relatively simple change, your Strata Manager or Strata Committee might grant permission. However, for more complex alterations, it might necessitate the passing of a special By-law by the Owners Corporation at a general meeting.

Most strata schemes are governed by a standard By-Law titled 'Damage to Common Property.' This By-Law prohibits owners from damaging or defacing any structure that is part of the common property without prior written approval from the Owners Corporation. Under the terms of this By-Law, all owners have the freedom to install security screens or locking devices to protect their property. However, it's important to check for any architectural limitations on security screen designs and ensure that all locking devices comply with building codes and fire regulations. A licensed locksmith can provide guidance on these regulations.

The cleaners and gardeners hired by your Owners Corporation to maintain your strata scheme follow a specific set of duties to ensure the property is well-maintained. These duties include, but are not limited to:

Cleaning Services:

  • Regular cleaning of common areas, such as hallways, stairwells, and lobbies.
  • Removal of litter and debris from common areas.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing common area restrooms, if applicable.
  • Vacuuming and mopping of common area floors.
  • Dusting and cleaning of common area fixtures and surfaces.
  • Cleaning of shared amenities like gyms, pools, and common rooms.
  • Disinfection of high-touch surfaces, especially during periods of health concerns.
  • Removal of cobwebs.
  • Window cleaning in common areas.

Gardening Services:

  • Maintenance of common garden areas, including lawn mowing and edging.
  • Pruning and trimming of bushes, shrubs, and trees in common areas.
  • Weeding and weed control.
  • Planting and replanting common garden areas.
  • Removal of garden debris and waste.
  • Pest and disease control for common garden areas.
  • Fertilizing and soil conditioning.
  • Seasonal garden maintenance tasks.
  • Landscape design and improvements, if required.

The frequency of these services is determined by the Owners Corporation and the specific needs of the property. Typically, a weekly or fortnightly schedule is sufficient. If the cleaning or gardening services provided are unsatisfactory, the Owners Corporation can usually terminate the contract and seek alternative service providers.

In the event of an emergency repair required for the common areas of your strata or community association property, it's important to follow the appropriate steps:

Contact Your Strata Manager: Your first point of contact for emergency repairs should be your Strata Manager. They will assess the situation and take the necessary steps to arrange for the required repairs by engaging qualified tradespeople.

After-Hours or Weekend Repairs: If the emergency occurs during weekends or after normal business hours and requires immediate attention, you can access emergency tradespeople 24/7 by calling 1300 663 760.

Your Strata Manager or strata management company will have established procedures to handle emergency repairs promptly and efficiently to ensure the safety and security of the property.

The process for moving in or out of your property may involve booking access to lifts or other common amenities, especially in larger strata schemes with multiple units. This is done to ensure smooth access for your removalists through the common property and to allow the Owners Corporation to arrange necessary safety measures like lift blankets or other protective devices. This procedure helps make the moving process more efficient and minimizes any potential disruption to other residents in the building.

Implementing a preventive maintenance program in your strata scheme is strongly recommended. It can help extend the lifespan of various building components, reduce operational costs, prevent inconvenient breakdowns, and enhance the overall living experience of residents. Here are some important considerations regarding preventive maintenance programs:

Legal Requirements: Are there legal requirements mandating maintenance schedules for certain appliances and systems within our scheme, such as lifts, escalators, common air-conditioning equipment, and fire safety systems?

Additional Appliances: Beyond legal requirements, are there other appliances and systems within our scheme that could benefit from preventive maintenance? This might include common hot water systems, garage basement detention pits and pumps, automatic garage doors, anchor points, and common area doors and exits.

Routine Services: Are there routine services that can contribute to the maintenance of common areas and improve the overall cleanliness and functionality of our property? This could involve annual pest control, carpet cleaning, pressure cleaning of pathways and building facades, window cleaning, and more.

Landscaping and Garden Maintenance: How do we address the landscaping and garden maintenance in our common areas? Regular tasks like re-mulching, fertilizing, and garden upkeep are essential for maintaining the aesthetic appeal of our strata scheme.

By establishing a preventive maintenance program, we can proactively manage our property's maintenance needs, avoid unexpected and costly repairs, and ensure that our strata scheme remains in good condition. It's important to collaborate with professionals, such as building and maintenance experts, to develop a customized program that addresses the specific needs of our strata scheme. Preventive maintenance benefits both the property and its residents by taking a proactive approach to upkeep.