- Date added: Added 2 months ago
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 2
- Total rooms: 6
- Floors: 1
- Area: 131.22 m²
- Lot size: 1043 m²
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
To whom it may concern,
Re: Rental Estimation: Belmont, ARMIDALE NSW 2350
We have conducted an inspection of Belmont, Armidale in order to provide a current rental estimation.
In order to provide an accurate market rental value, we compare the properties to recent rentals of a similar nature, taking note of recent valuations, likely level of demand and economic factors contributing to the current market situation.
Accordingly, it is our opinion that Belmont, Armidale would be likely to attract a rental value of approximately $460.00 - $490.00 per week, the unit with the on street parking would likely attract a rental value of $440.00 - $460.00 per week.
Thank you for allowing our Agency the opportunity to provide a market appraisal, if we can provide any further assistance with the above, please do not hesitate to contact our Office.Conditions on which the rental appraisal is provided
1. The appraisal is an opinion only on the rental which may be achieved on the property as of the date of this appraisal and although every care has been taken in arriving at this figure, it is an opinion only and must not be taken as a sworn valuation. 2. The appraisal is affected by many factors including, but not limited to: general supply and demand of rental properties; change in the state of the economy; local market fluctuation; changes to the property itself or neighbouring properties.
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